Anne Steckner ist Politikwissenschaftlerin, Autorin und Bildungsreferentin. Ihre Leidenschaft ist die Übersetzung komplexer Theorie in gut verständliches und vielen Menschen zugängliches Bildungsmaterial. Ihre Schwerpunkte sind Ökonomie, Feminismus und Kommunikation.
The current debate about immigration is polarized and racially charged. The political right is successful at presenting the pending challenges of an immigration society as a relation of competition and a conflict of distribution between “us Germans” and “the immigrants”. By posing the social question along ethnic lines, they connect with extant modes of thinking and present supposed solutions: the community of natives with corresponding preferential rights for the well-established. Interwoven with this narrative is the neoliberal tale of personal success, available to everyone, if he or she just properly strives for it.